Posté le 20 juillet 2018 par Fred
Sortie de Game Overtime
Posté le 31 décembre 2013 par Fred.
Anyway, I make sure that every detail in my music has meaning and absolutely no easy solution.
This is electronic music without much of the big and pseudo non-linear sound we expect now, but with jumpy percussive melodic instruments of an acoustic nature, often kept in their original resonance, but sometimes going through a sort of harmonic dub or electronic tape works of a nature that I don't remember hearing.
Berger Rond - Game Overtime
#1 - piano de Greg Hooper, "without risk there is no profit"
#2 - guitares microtonales (Chris Vaisvil - Fretless Classical Guitar, Chris Vaisvil - Please Excuse Me), percussions (Jörg Fischer Squarci et quelques sons de Floor Tom Workout, sur Spring Spleen and twelve other pieces) et basse fretless de Jurica Jelic.
#3 - guitares électriques de Frédéric Szymañski
#4 - quelques bouts de Kenneth Gaburo, Tape Play (For Harry)
#7 - guitare électrique et atmosphérique de Jeff Gburek (Feldmonkesque)