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JSFX Reaper JS plugins programming

Posté le 22 août 2024 par Fred.

I've created the following Reaper JS plugins for educational purposes :
They do simple (sometimes unnecessary) things & the code is heavily commented so everyone can learn from it

In Reaper: Options -> "Show REAPER resource path in Explorer/Finder" <- unzip the plugin there... Done!

You can read the code by clicking on the "Edit..." button of the plugin's header.
Enjoy! 😉

Further readings :
- Reaper JSFX's official documentation
- A very good Reaper JSFX documentation

bannière de JSFX Reaper JS plugins programming

0000 Volume Example Plugin


0001 Delay Example Plugin


0002 Pan Example Plugin

bannière de JSFX Reaper JS plugins programming

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